Faith Based Activities
Weekly School Masses
St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School students attend a School Mass every Wednesday morning at 9AM. Each homeroom, kindergarten through eighth grade, is responsible for the planning and implementation of a Mass. The student choir leads the music for the student Masses.
Stewardship in Mission
Stewardship and Mission is a faith formation program for the 6th and 7th graders of St. Ignatius. The program occurs once every month. Each and every session is a great mix of faith, fun, and interaction. The goal of the program is to form the students into deeper Disciples of Christ and to teach them

that everything they have been given is truly a gift from God and should be used to give glory to Him. The program continues to be very effective for the students and produce great results year in and year out.
Theology of the Body
Theology of the Body for Teens Middle School Edition is a dynamic interactive eight session program which seeks to teach students about what being “made in the image and likeness of God” truly means. Its goal is to encourage the 8th grade students to realize that God has an amazing plan for their lives and the way in which they will respond to this call is through the gift of their bodies. The goal of this program is to empower the students to live respectfully and faithfully regardless of the challenges which they encounter.
Sacramental Prep
Penance and First Holy Communion - Our 2nd Graders prepare for and receive the sacraments of Penance and First Holy Communion. Students learn that these sacraments are gifts from God, and allow us to grow closer to Him.
Confirmation - Our 8th graders prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation, in which the Holy Spirit comes to them in a special way and joins them more closely to Jesus and His Church.
Students not in the above listed grade levels who need sacraments will receive individual preparation, as needed, for the reception of the sacraments.
Prayer Buddies
At the beginning of the school year, students from the younger grades are partnered with students from the upper grades. Monday mornings, everyone gathers in the school hall and students have the opportunity to visit with their prayer buddy for about five minutes. Then, one of the classes leads the school in a short prayer service. Prayer buddies stand with their buddy, and sometimes help out, when its their buddy's class's turn to lead the prayer. Prayer buddies also get together quarterly to spend an afternoon together visiting, doing a craft, and enjoying a snack. Sitting together at Mass for Holy Days provides another special opportunity for Prayer Buddies to spend time together.