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Extended Care

The St. Ignatius Loyola Extended Care Program is a service to parents who need care for their children beyond regular school hours. Rates are kept as low as possible in order to provide this service to our families. Students are charged only for the days they are in attendance.  Fees are as follows:

Annual Registration Fee:           $40 per student

Daily Rate:                                    $15 per day per student

Discounted Weekly Rate:           $65 per week per student

Extended Care Hours

The Extended Care Program is held after school from 2:45 pm - 5:30 pm. Students are to report to the cafeteria for attendance at 2:45 pm. The program schedules time for homework/quiet time, a snack and play time in the gym (sneakers are needed in the gym, and shorts for girls for under their uniform). All children will remain in their assigned location until they are picked up.

*Extended Care closes promptly at 5:30 pm. There is a $10 late charge for students picked up after 5:30 pm, for each occurrence.

  • Extended Care is available on days with a 1 pm Early Dismissal, due to Faculty- In-Service.

  • There is NO Extended Care available when school dismisses at noon for the Christmas vacation, Easter vacation and on the last day of school.

  • In the event of an early dismissal because of weather, there will be NO Extended Care.  You will be notified of closings through FACTS notifications, and the information can also be found on WFMZ.


For your child's protection, he or she will only be allowed to leave with the persons whose names are on the release form. Students must be signed out of Extended Care prior to leaving. When it is necessary to substitute another person, permission must be given by the parent/guardian in writing or, in an emergency, by telephone, to the school office before 3 pm. Pickup will be from the school cafeteria. If you need to contact Extended Care Staff after school hours, please call their cell phone: 484-333-8889.


Extended Care registration forms can be found HERE.


2700 St. Albans Drive

West Lawn, PA 19609  

​Tel: 610-678-0111

​Fax: 610-670-5795   

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