Mrs. Emilia Ward
Our Mission
St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School is a vibrant community rooted in tradition. With faith in our hearts and love for others, we model Christ through our service and deeds. Our committed school family nurtures moral and spiritual values, develops discipline, and empowers our children to be strong leaders and good citizens. With faith in every child, we strive to ignite the love of Christ and aspire to excellence in all we do.
Our History
Saint Ignatius Loyola School opened on September 6, 1967 for students in grades 1 through 8 with Sister M. Perpetua, School Sisters of Saint Francis, as the school's first principal. Two expansions have been made to the original school taking the total classroom size from 8 rooms to its current size of 21 classrooms.
A Kindergarten was opened in the fall of 1979. Currently, the school provides education for students from pre-k through eighth grade.
Our Philosophy
The administration, faculty, and staff of St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School strive to develop a learning environment in which students expand knowledge, increase appreciation, and develop respect in the uniqueness of the individual. A diverse atmosphere allows the student to be better able to meet the challenges of the world. Our Christ-centered program is designed to give the “whole child” the opportunity to flourish and to contribute to the quality of life.
Students expand their love of God based on the Gospels and teachings of the Catholic Church. Values and morals are taught and modeled in accordance with Catholic doctrine. Community service projects help the students put religious knowledge into practice. A well-rounded curriculum provides the opportunities for spiritual, moral, intellectual, cultural, social, and physical development. Many experiences are provided for students which will enhance social maturity and growth through interaction with peers, school personnel, and community.
The bond which exists among teachers is both spiritual and professional, and is fundamental in providing the students with a Christian role model. Mutual purpose and respect are links between parents and teachers as we enhance the educational process and cooperative spirit of learning necessary for every student to develop to his/her potential.